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Kurve Queen Confessions

Hey #KurveQueens I am Shakira Johnson, CEO, and Co-Owner of Kira's Kouture Boutique...these are my confessions. It has taken me years to finally embrace all of me the brokenness and the hidden parts that no one could see. Often times I would show up with a smile on my face but deep down inside I hid behind my own insecurities. After losing what I thought were significant relationships I realized that the fear of loneliness caused me to hold on to people and things that tore me down instead of lifting me up. So I took some much needed time to reflect and focus solely on rebuilding me. I realized that what I needed and what I desired couldn’t be found anywhere else except within me. 

You see, I am a product of God’s unconditional love but because the enemy had it out for me I was blinded so I couldn’t see how beautiful I was inside and out. Throughout my adolescence the enemy sent people my way who emotionally damaged my self-esteem. They filled my head with lies and I fell into the trap of believing that I wasn't thin enough, my skin wasn't light enough, and that my hair wasn't long enough. All of this was nothing but lies and in my loneliness God’s sweet gentle voice reminded me that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I started to realize that I was chosen and called with a purpose. When you start to love on yourself, understand who you are and walk-in your destiny, things begin to change and your once blurred vision becomes ever so clear. Kurve Queens listen up, I’m living breathing proof that you can literally overcome your roughest and darkest moments if you do the work. Take time to love yourself every inch and every kurve. You are a Masterpiece and there’s so much inside of you waiting to bloom. If you are dealing with any insecurities about your physical appearance I challenge you this week to spend 5-10 minutes every day staring at your gorgeous self in the mirror, give yourself at least three compliments and go about your day. I promise you will feel better and you will genuinely start to appreciate all of your amazing designer original kurves. Love on yourself and always remember that #AllKurvesMatter  

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